Walking Between the Spaces, Angels Speak – August 29, 2022

Walking Between the Spaces. Angels Speak

I was taken on a journey between all spaces of matter and time. Reintroduced to the essence of my spirit from whence it came.. a beautiful spark hailing from the celestial plateaus in the Soul of its creation…

Hues and integrated tones of blu-ray and celestial green surrounded by the crystalline violent flame..a celestial spark making its way through cosmic interdimensional realms….hail .Mother Mary. Yeshua and a third of order earthbound for guidance….my trinity of sorts…..

Pleiadian, Lemurian sun and moon rises again .and rises within me. I have traveled your dimensions of higher order infinitely…a messenger of ascent and ancient wisdom through the dimensions of space and time. A traveler of the heart…in this I must see all…be all… connect with all… you know me….I am in presence again….it is time..

I was shown the shield of peace solace and protection and gratitude from those of the Angelic realm..as they awaken me in unison saying. You must walk and speak the language of the many in a multidimensional way they must all reremember, know and believe they are of the one essence…through their many adorned garments the unfurling of wings with courage and strength…merging the world’s into one..

They must reremember the task at hand is not of the taking…but the asking and offering…sacred and infinite. Observe all signs expressing only Love in its wake. Unconditional and in all matters of form. From Source whence it came. And from Source it will be…

This is my walk. My journey.. to be here….but not of here. To exists and to coexists…to be of that frequency of Love in all manner..

What is your mission and purpose?…to be Love for all…shown the way, a true essence in form…..realize the connection of heaven to earth and all matter of things Dear one…as without that existence there is only the all…there is no separation…these are the teachings to be remembered…and this is the time…

The rising of beingness…as the sun rises again. Angels speak and I am hear to listen..no fear. Only Love…i hear you…………




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