During the night hours in my dreams I ask them to show me…
To move through my journey in a knowing way…
Between all space and time. Past present and future..
A gift of purpose seeded in my Soul..I had to learn how to embrace.
The movement of illusion to reality…this authentic journey…where truth prevails…and trust avails
Claiming no judgement .. only to view with eyes of authenticity..
Shaking the core of my human element..I know it’s true purpose…
For I am more than what the eyes can see…but is felt in the heart….a thruwway of Love ..and elevated consciousness….a mystical offering and such…
The unnecessary and heaviness strains through my sails.. but what is left is the purest of heart..
A time Traveler I am moving through the dimensions of time…i ask..I am awake again….here…anew…
I will see again and again…it is my journey….