The Rebirthing of Maleficence…The Choice – September 5, 2022

You appeared in my dreamtime again … Angel..thank you for your presence..your reminder…your guidance…your rebalance..and your unconditional Love that is far reaching extending from all dimensions far into the celestial realms…you are amongst the many ..the all….i heard you as your echo reverberated through my bones..and woke me out of my sleep..with energetic and abrupt forcefullness…releasing the entanglements of energetic chords.. Something in my midst of false appearance and disregard…I see it….that’s all that is needed in acknowledgement…to be met only with a solace of unconditional love and yet again be given a you taught me….which is far beyond this stretch and measure of time. Channel through me what is to be known and this clearing takes place..this is the life to continue to be breathed into this space….all are present to participate and support…all is already known…the honoring and reverence are paramount…

Nothing will ever take possession of the purest of heart. For possession is not of heavenly condition. Anything not of that which is the pure essence of Love, the mask will be revealed for all to see in a gentle inner knowing way. Take my human trinkets or bring them back if you will they do not carry or match the essence of my Soul. .hold onto them and the essence of which will always prevail…. Source Energy promotes a path of choice, truth and gratitude…which is always open to all By my own admission I speak and offer only unconditional Love beyond all space and time..even to those who have lost their way for the opportunity is there to present once again casting aside all manner of curious spell and mal-intent… breathe in the energy that is only that of the Great I Am…Love..

I was reminded as we continue to go through this transition…this expansion…we are here to bring forth the essence of all beings..and leave the antics of ego within their own truths. How long will this dance occur..until all has revealed..the choice is always ours to embrace

My amour is the shield of this essence and not for the taking in any manner which is not that of the heart. Do not present with child like wonder when tbe heart is not the intent will always be seen, felt and recognized when the offer is made time and time again and the participation of which is not received in equitable fashion. My house has many mansions for all to sit in with grace..those of the same will stay in the midst of all that is being given…..For self, redirect any and all energies towards the place of unconditional Love and Infinite Heart. I will speak many times along this open and infinite path as the clearing continues…and the antics of human ego attempt to hold on. A new day is coming for all to see.

Know that form beyond the physical holds the place for all that is ……And all manner of such relegated to the human condition does not lead in the interpretation of what is to be…only that of the integration of Source amd Self and all that is…. And So It is….

Love Riue and the Celestials…


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