The Power in Honoring our Process – June 11, 2022

Soul SpeakingOne of the most painful and difficult things that one can endure in our lifetime and have to accept as part of the journey is not everyone; friends, family, partners, colleagues, etc are always there with the intent, support or authenticity which we thought, or capable of providing at a given time; based on where they are in their own journey This can at times be very painful and traumatic.

Sometimes folks may have misaligned intentions which could be coming from aspects of ego manifesting as fear; unhealed trauma, etc.. This in itself can cause great harm unknowingly or knowingly; which could impact our well being mentally, emotionally and physically . Breaking of these patterns and releasing ourselves from this energy is not an easy task and is a process as we will sometimes move back to the comfort of engaging in those people, situations, etc. even when it no longer serves us. This is in effect the sacred spiral in action. This movement away from these patterns in itself is powerful and where our true healing begins..we must be gentle in our own process and honor it.

It is also difficult to step back from the emotion of the process we are experiencing and have compassion for that person(s) as well without sacrificing the compassion we want to have for ourselves. And equally challenging to have forgiveness while facilitating boundaries and practicing discernment; but we are multidimensional beings with a huge infinite capacity to love in a way that cares for ourselves and others at the same time.. This is a sacred gift and is always a symbiotic multidimensional exhange. Our heart will always signal to us through its frequency what is best for us and we must then reach for the courage and trust our process. Sometimes it will be two steps forward and one step back and that is all ok; as we are always moving forward. Again the sacred spiral in affect again moving within the flow of the Merkabic energy. We are magnificent beings capable of much and we are also human here to rediscover that truth of who we are…

As we move through this process our frequency of releasing will draw within our field the tools, the people and the guides to authentically support our journey. We allow ourselves to be drawn to whatever resonates with us at a given point in time to support our journey. We are that powerful. All to be said we must honor our process whatever form that takes shape and know no one knows what we need better than our higher selves. Soul Speaking…

Love Riue


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