The Energy Game – July 17, 2023

Our own energy is the most precious gift to be holden especially during this time….

It has the ability to propel us forward or move us deeper into the illusion..

It is the lifeforce to heal us…or present a false sense of security based on the choices we make, or those in which we surround ourselves…

It has the ability to create and manifest or place us in that finite cadence of sameness wearing a different mask…

It has the ability to bring us joy, peace and calm or be absorbed by that of incoming intention detracting from our own essence within..

Be wise in choices feeling through what is real observing falsehoods of attachment upon the essence of your field. Transmute with love and care….while being mindful in thought..

Be discerning…see clearly what is to be seen..not all is as it it appears as this world is shifting rapidly ..and the illusion is quite clever in its wake and its desire to survive…

Ego has many faces and feeds upon the might and will of others when it cannot fully sustain within itself…

Love and Compassion are the great conductors of our energy…discernment allows us to adjust the tone…allow the essence of the note to come from within be fully played by you..

This is your symphony only yours to be chose who gets to hear it and share in it…your choice..your magic…which then radiates to the world….and comes back to us again and again…



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