Staying Within Purpose – Repost from December 16, 2021

Staying within purpose…

As we begin to align more and more with our Soul purpose we begin to see our ability to manifest increase as well as the frequency. In all cases because the Universe knows no sense of duality..we are presented with various choices which can shift our timeline or trajectory at the blink of an eye..We must be vigilant in our intention and our purpose. During this time of shifting from the third dimension to the fifth dimension this is magnified. We want to always ask ourselves what is it that we wish to co-create in this world and do I wish it to emanate from my heart or simply from a projection thereof… I have realized it becomes increasingly important when in the face of so much move towards those things which resonate with your Soul. in doing so more of that will follow….

Don’t let the smooth taste fool ya…or the illusion thereof…




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