The Journey begins again within this space and time….
Rebirth Anew…Divine Connection…
Happy Solar Return Riue
Full of Gratitude and LoVe on my Earth day Today……………
I was awake pretty early this morning doing my morning meditation and prayerwork and feeling so much gratitude for this beautiful journey and what more is to come. The recognition and feeling of being in the flow of life and embracing the flow of life and what is in each of our universal and soul given truths as a sentient being of purpose is magical, it is beautiful, it is infinite. Today i am 63 earth years old …a blink in the bucket of my true beingness. Today i celebrate everyone, mother earth , all sentient beings, unconditional LoVe, purpose, pure intention, change, co-creation, interconnectness, oneness, ….and all of those things which are the essence of who we are. Today I am grateful to be here , right now to be a part of this beautiful transformation, this beautiful awakening and beautiful opportunity for us to become who we are truly meant to be as a collective……with all of it’s vibrant colors, hues and vibrations. Today I am thankful I can recognize the opportunity afforded to all of us. Today I am thankful that I recognize, see, feel the essence of LoVe in it’s most magnificent and purest of form and recognize my connection to source. Today and days going forward I am excited about what is to come and my part in contributing to this flow and expansion of life . Each day i will continue to awaken to the joy which is in each and everyone of us. At the end of the day I say Thank you.Happy Earth day To Me….