The Human experience can be likened to that of Soil….
For several months now I have been observing this as I continue my journey….
Soil needs to be fed with nutrients nuturing and cared for in conjunction with the diversity of all life forms
Sometimes it needs both the heat and the moisture to thrive… order to activate anything which lies dormant.
The organisms within the Soil need to thrive to be in balance with community.
When an imbalance occurs within the Soil whether it be through lack of inputs, extraction or neglect ..the composition changes and sometimes deterioriates
A symbiosis exists between the human and the soil. One contributes to and exists for the purpose of the other. When this symbiosis does not impacts the benefit to both the Soil and the Human..
We sometimes as humans need to be reminded that the relationships we choose to form in life mirror the relationship we as humans have with the Soil. This is self reflecting…
Sometimes a complete aeration is needed to allow the Soil to breath and expand again.. and often times adjustments, realization, awareness or mending need to occur.
In any case observe the fertile ground in which you plant your energy. Tend to those who tend to you..but in all cases have compassion and offer Grace…