Services & PRODUCTS

Our Offerings
Holistic Healing Sanctuary * Indigenous Esoteric Ancient Wisdom * Permaculture-Land-based Stewardship * Social-Environmental Advocacy *
Agroecology * Urban Farming * Community Based Education * Apiary * Apothecary * Nursery-Market * Retreats*Events * Consulting

Components of the Program: Presently our Permaculture and Regenerative Agriculture programming consists of the following:
- A 90+ Hour Permaculture Design Certification Program (In-Person and Online Courses)
- A Nature Based Children’s Program
- Volunteer and Internship Program
- Experiential Classes and Workshops (Active) Online Courses and Workshops
***See event calendar***
- Holy Fire Level I – $175.00
- Holy Fire Level II – $250.00
- Holy Fire Advanced and Master Level – $475.00
- Karuna Holy Fire Master III – $495.00
Please note that each class above Reiki Level I has a prerequisite of the level before it.
Limit 6 students per session.
More information coming soon.
***See event calendar***
- Quantum Healing Level I – $175.00
- Quantum Healing Level II – $250.00
- Quantum Healing Level III – $475.00
Please note that each class above Quantum Healing Level I has a prerequisite of the level before it.
Limit 6 students per session.
More information coming soon.
***See event calendar***
Application opens December 2023.
- At least a Level II Reiki or Quantum Healing
- 20 hours of Reiki share at IWC
- 72-hour PDC Certification,
- Basic Herbalism 101 Certification
- Attended at least 4 Soul Journey Discussion Groups
- Write-up on why you are interested in participating in the apprenticeship
- Interview

Potential areas of consideration:
- Invasive plant and tree species identification.
- Perennial pollinator and beneficial plant guild builds and polyculture design.
- Integration and establishment of Ancestral Medicinal Gardens (Specialty plants of African Diaspora, Native American Culture and Piedmont and MidAtlantic Bioregions).
- Naturalist, habitat and conservationist consultation.
- Integration and establishment of natural water systems including: pond design, natural filtration, rain gardens, integration of small scale geothermal and earthworks.
- Soils management, composting and vermicomposting.
- Natural & Organic beekeeping
$75.00 Initial consultation (based on 1-hour consultation) | $125.00/hour afterwards
Email to schedule consultation.
$75.00 Initial consultation | $125.00/hour afterwards
Email to schedule consultation.
$75.00 Initial consultation | $125.00/hour afterwards
Email to schedule consultation.
$75.00 Initial consultation | $125.00/hour afterwards
Email to schedule consultation.
More info coming soon

Light language transmission supported by crystals, ancestral instruments, and hands-on/hands-off energy work.
1 hour – $95.00
1.5 hours – $115.00
2 hours – $135.00
Reiki is Universal Life energy and works to bring about balance on the physical, mental and emotional levels of the body. This allows the body to heal faster, eases the overwhelming pressure caused by daily stress and allows the ups and downs that life tosses our way to be much more easily managed.
1 hour – $75.00
1.5 hours – $95.00
2. hours – $115.00
This offering works with the Merkabic flow and the Connection of the Universal Life Force as it connects to Source and cycles through the energies of the earth and back to those of the celestial realm. This energy is aligned infinitely with the ascension flow bringing deep healing and transformation to our multidimensional bodies.
(Deep Healing)
1 hour – $85.00
1.5 hours – $100.00
2.0 hours – $125.00

Guided by a combination of indigenous and intuitive practices, working in conjunction with the beings of light, the angels, spirits and ancestors, this is a profound Soul Healing with the ability to remove obstructions, intrusions and unneeded emotional patterns, allowing the individual to receive what is offered. Riue uses core native American Indian Shamanic practices coupled with Crystal/Plant Grids, Light language Sound and the Akash to guide the individual to a place of profound transformational healing and inner-knowing in addition to relaying any messages offered or received. Each journey is unique and based specifically on what the individual or group needs and is ready to receive. All who have experienced a Shamanic journey have walked away feeling as though they are further along in their spiritual journey of healing and knowing.
Instruments and Voice used:
Waive Drum
Native Hoop Drum
Himalayan Tibetan Bowls
Satsang Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls
Tibetan Bells
African Bell
Koshi Chimes
Native Flutes
Drone Flute
Peruvian Flute
Jewish Harp
Solfeggio and Lemurian Tuning Forks
Rav Drums
Steel tongue drum
Shipibo Rattle
Native Rattles
Individual Session – 2 hours – $180.00
Group Session – 3 hours – $125.00 per person (CONTACT US TO BOOK: )

Massage and Energy Combination Work with Custom Crystal Grid, Shamanic Sound Healing, and Light Language Toning
2.0 hours – $185.00
2.5 hours – $200.00 *longer massage
3.0 hours – $215.00 *longer massage
Massage and Energy Work Combination assisted with Sound Healing
1.5 hours – $145.00
2 hours – $155.00
Quantum Energy Healing and Myofascial Unwinding/Release
1 hour – $95.00
1.5 hours – $115.00
2 hours – $125.00
Relaxation Through Stretching and Therapeutic Massage on Areas Needed
1 hours – $75.00
1.5 hour – $85.00
2 hour -$95.00

Spiritual Coaching
Typical session flow: During the coaching session Riue explores with the client through discussion, intuitive downloads, sharing of perspective and practices what they wish to address during their journey. The sessions typically run about two hours long and can involve meditation, channeled insight, readings, expressions of thought and guidance. The sessions are guided through Source with an intention set by the client. The client is asked to maintain a journal through each session which is referenced.
$75.00 Initial Consultation | $125.00 per session afterwards

IWC Honey and Medicinal Infusions:
- Raw Honey
- Hot Infused Honey
- Infused Honey
- Elderberry Infusion
- Fyre Cider w Elderberry
- Fyre Cider W Pomegranate and Elderberry
- Wild Crafted Teas (seasonal)
- Herbal Tinctures (seasonal)
- Sacred Soothey Salve
- Cacao Products: Cacao Powder, Mayan Style Brewing Cacao
Permaculture Farm Market and Nursery Items:
- Propagated and Grown Plants, shrubs, trees from our Nursery (limited quantities, see seasonal announcement
- Seeds from our forest (email for availability)
- Annual produce, Perennial Fruit, Nut and Berries (see our seasonal listing beginning spring)
- Seasonal Market and Menu (see monthly listing starting Spring 2024, mini urban farm to table)

Community Volunteer Garden Days (Weekly, every Saturday)
Community Market & Nursery (monthly, starting in the Spring)
Community Drum Circles (see event calendar)
Shamanic Healing and Sound Journey (Quarterly)
Meditation and Energy Share (Weekly – see event calendar)
Soul Journey Discussion Group (see event calendar)
Annual Fall Holistic Loop – October
Booking Policy
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