Patterns and Fractals…
Opportunity to see presents itself in many ways. Awareness becomes key. Observe long enough and you will see and feel the authenticity of any given moment as its truths will be supported by the intention which unfolds…and …the energy from its point of inception….
Nothing needs to be spoken through this awareness..stay the course..allow the story to unfold as its destiny is in the stars……behind every door…underneath every crack and crevice…and in between each nook and cranny…I see you…. in time all will see…..all to have choice…all to let this foolishness of man bequept to …..the wayside of a lost story….a lost hope… build a new….sovereignty free…
I will leave you to this repetition of this departing dimension as it will eventually fade away. Become nonexistent…a memory of stardust….willl you wallow in the choice of what has been created or will you move to create anew… I see not take my words perceived as nothingness or not be known…they are a gift given…a choice…
This pattern presenting has been for billions of years…time to bring authenticity to the table. .your heart…your Soul…your Love….show me…all must surface to be revealed and instrument I have chosen to be…this is my mission….all else are adornments for the journey….not to be taken for granted these words are a gift……listen to what is being spoken..they are of purpose of intention…what will you choose to do with them..will it be the same? Reflect on the path of repetition….in there lies ego not wishing to be found or seen… the unwinding will occur…it already has begun….where will you be….
I see you…make no mistake about it….in all your glory…. you are the co-creator…you are the reflection….show me not the past but what you will create in this present moment…..what will it be…
Love, Riue