Energetic Boundaries – May 2, 2022

Reminder on being mindful of the importance of Energetic Boundaries:

This is something that is very important to be mindful of these days as we Ascend, Expand, Heal and Transcend. This was one of the first teachings I received from my Soul Mother in managing energetic sensitivity along with the incoming energies. There are distinct times during the day which become even more important relative to balancing our energy field due to the thinning of the Veil. We especially need to be mindful of where we both place and allow our energy to flow. Think of it as good housekeeping. The body being our house. In these cases there becomes the opportunity to merge with unintended energies hence depleting your own energetic field. We have the ability to manage this and must be consistent in our our approach or just like settled dust, unintended energy will build up in our field creating a heaviness and impacting natural flow. Your energy is your golden egg your antennae to the Universe and when we aren’t mindful and our airwaves are blocked, distorted, interrupted, fragmented as well as inhibited by our ability to receive and work in concert with Universal Flow.

I am very much anti electronics because of this and if one could see what happens relative to social media and electronics and how it impacts our energetic fields there would be observed fields of multiple vortexs and swirling energy. Because I run a Healing and community center I engage to connect but spend alot of time clearing and grounding with mother earth to transmute the incoming energies. I also am mindful in choices as to where I engage my energy and with whom and or the environments in which I engage in. Our biorhythms are also being reset with the new energies coming to the planet.

Tools of the Trade:

Think of things below as conductors of allowing for Universal flow and recognition of mindful management.

Limiting Social Media Usuage especially during the witching hour (1 to 4am). This is when the vortexes of these energy fields are the most heightened and open and lend themselves to incoming energy.

Phone management is a necessary evil in our world today for communication..but to the degree unnecessary usage can be monitored this is key

Limit inputs from television, news, etc and other electronics as this information deposits unnecessarily into our energetic fields and is not well intended in most cases carrying fear, anxiety, anger, etc

Learn and remember to be comfortable in the silence and commune with nature as much as possible to allow for a natural and symbiotic clearingBe mindful in choices relative to people, places and things relative to your intended engagement.

Limit or remove alcohol intake and sugars as it acts like sludge and builds up in your energetic field

Nourish the body with fruits nuts and vegetables. If a meat eater lean towards organic meats fish and fowl. Chemicals and Antibiotics in foods disrupt our energetic fields

Drink plenty of water Dailey as this serves to flush out unintended energy from our fields

Lots of salt baths:)

Allow the body to rest as it is during rest the body heals, transmutes and rebalances. Without rest again a buildup is occurring and all becomes a vicious empty cycle

Practice deep breathing as it is with the exhale that deep releasing and physical rebalancing occurs

Clear and loving communication whether it be between friends, work colleagues, intimate partners or acquaintences to be of focus.. Miscommunication and assumptions can carry unintended, inauthentic energy ….

Create a consistent space for YOU time.. this is a must as it also serves as a clearing Energetically……

All of these things become more particularly important as we are going through our own healing relative to trauma, fear , anxiety as well as managing to the heightened chaos and clearing of the world..All of which can bare down on our energetic fields significantly. Loving your energetic field and balancing boundaries is ultimately loving our selves. This is the conversation we want to have in concert with the Universe.

Your energy field is the most powerful gift you have…

Love, Riue


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