Dream Awaken..
I travel …i see the beautiful world we are co-creating…..
I have been there before…eons ago. I know the smell….nature elevating…as my senses bask in the familiarity… connecting to the cosmic light. .the sensations of Love…..
All to familiar this place that never left but once covered in veil as we move through the void of our consciousness.
There are many in all different shapes….. sizes..colors and intonations…. a beautiful rainbow…
The heart speaks the same song and it knows only love…….as the Divine Feminine sets all in motion…
Believe what you must..but release your burden of doubt and fear…for it no longer serves you..
In my father’s house there are many mansions there..if it were not so I would not tell you..it is more than you could imagine..beyond any interpretation of man..you are all welcome…
The ego has no place in this new story… At the blink of eye…the time is nearing..the garden is being revealed….the Dream Awakens..
This is the way it has always been and the way it is to be….
Love, Riue