Ascension – Repost from December 14, 2021

ASCENSION involves when we ‘wake-up’, when we become more enlightened and ascend to a higher frequency, a more authentic vibration.

A vibration of unconditional love. Your heart and soul are aligning and as this process happens energetically you feel it throughout the body.

Under these energetically charged times, it is difficult to explain or describe what you may be experiencing. It is my hope that this post helps you in some way, or someone close to you.

I have experienced, and continue to experience, all parts of the Ascension process that I describe below.

When I first began this journey quite some time ago, I wish I had known what I know now! But- what better teacher than experience, eh?


No, you are not going crazy, although it may feel like it!

It is happening to many- and has people scrambling for answers. For guidance, for support, for insight.

We are all navigating our way through these new age energies, through the dark times, and it can be very overwhelming and exhausting.

Learning who you truly are, at the soul level is now more important than ever. This is not always easy as we face parts of ourselves that have been dormant, likely since childhood. You need to remember the importance of being gentle with yourself as you are clearing years of outdated conditioning!

As we ascend (rise), we drop all of our vices begrudgingly. We are forced to face painful circumstances and feelings.

Everything may seem to be falling apart when in actuality, this is happening so that you can make way for your new reality- so that everything can come together for you.

Remember: on the soul level you asked for this and it is not supposed to be easy!

I have many clients that have gone to the Doctor with all sorts of physical ailments, only to come up with a 100% clean bill of health (thankfully), but it leaves them even more confused. “So, what is happening and why do I feel this way”?

Physically, what is happening is that your cellular structure is changing to accommodate a higher frequency within the body. This coincides with the major planetary shifting that is taking place.

Spiritually, what is happening is that you are becoming more aligned with your true self, your soul and your spirit. This is what we are all really here to do.

It is extremely important to understand that although ascension is an ongoing process, it is not forced upon anyone. We all have a specific soul path, and ascension may or may not be a part of your individual journey. Not everyone will experience it in this lifetime.

Ascension can also be gradual or accelerated and you will know by the severity of your symptoms.

So how will you know if you are experiencing ascension? First off, this post will totally resonate.

As you ascend you will feel like you are shedding your armor, you are not as fearful in general. Your level of trust and faith in the unseen, in the universe intensifies.

You feel like a different version of who you once were. Something is different and you can’t quite explain it, but you feel it.

Circumstances that you once tolerated will become intolerable as you get more in touch with your core being.

You may also experience extreme warmth and sensitivity towards others and life in general as your true, compassionate nature is revealed.

*If you would like to skip ahead just scroll down to ‘Some physical symptoms of this process include, but are not limited to’.

*Disclaimer- make sure you get checked out properly by a medical professional before you assume your symptoms are in fact, ascension related.

Don’t worry – there is a scientific explanation provided all the way at the end for those that need it 😉

Spiritual shifts tend to happen right before or after a cathartic event in ones life such as, but not only: death, divorce, the loss of something or someone you loved deeply, moving, job loss or change, etc.

Anything that triggers the soul into a sense of loss of self or loss of joy and purpose- your soul goes into overdrive and sometimes even despair.

This process can also happen just because it’s time, and does not have to precede or follow a massive life change.

Through this process of ascension, our DNA is actually rearranging to become aligned with the new -earth energies. This process does produce physical ‘happenings’ in the body.

This happens at a rapid rate so it can feel very confusing and overwhelming.

Ascension symptoms occur on a physical, mental and emotional level. As your system goes through a ‘re-boot’ it is felt throughout the mind, body and soul.

On the spiritual level, it is all about energy and consciousness. Becoming more aware.

Let me just clarify, this is not negative although it may feel that way at times.

As a very psychically sensitive person, I’ve been experiencing episodes of these spiritual upgrades and the physical effects of them for years, and still do!

There have been plenty of times I’ve had to leave the gym or the grocery store, because I felt like I was on another planet. Days I’ve had to stay home because I felt off and energetically altered, making it extremely difficult to enter the ‘real’ world. While this is great for my work, it’s not so fun for everyday life!

As I always say, everything is energy. We are energy.

Remember: we are souls here having a human experience, not the other way around!

Some physical symptoms of this process include, but are not limited to

-Changes in sleep patterns. Either you are sleeping very little, or you are sleeping a lot and still feeling exhausted. Waking up between 2 and 4 AM is highly common during this process.

Even though your body is sleeping, your soul is still working. This is why you wake up tired. Remember, the body does most of its healing while you are asleep! Your cells are shifting and repairing.

These periods of exhaustion are occurring as our bodies are remodeling and rebuilding rapidly.

-On the flip side, you may find that you have little need for sleep, yet you feel great and have high energy pulsing through your body. This can also happen in spurts- i.e. three days on, three days off.

-Dreams become much more lucid/vivid. If you are someone that is not used to dreaming, then this can feel very odd! What is happening is that your unconscious is working hard to bring forth messages to you from your higher self. Pay attention! Keep a dream journal. Even if it seems insignificant and scattered, it will likely make sense at a later date.

-You experience racing thoughts

-Anxiety attacks and feelings of illogical panic that come and go in waves

As you ascend you become much more sensitive to energy. You are likely picking up on others energy, or just an overload in your system and you are reacting through your body. Try and ground yourself and remember to breath when this happens. Go and get some air. Know that it will pass.

-Episodes of dizziness and lightheadedness that come and go without warning

There is a lot of intense energy swirling around and it sometimes will feel as though the wind is knocked out of you


-Blood pressure spikes and dips

-Headaches that come on quickly

-Migraines, pressure in different areas of the head at all different times that come and go randomly- Medicine will not always, and typically does not, alleviate the pressure.

Migraines are often a sign of trapped emotion such as stress, anger, blame and shame.

-Heart flutters and palpitations. Racing heart. Tightness in the chest and shortness of breath. Stabbing sensation from the back to the front, like a dagger. (Sounds fun, right)?

This happens as the Heart Chakra opens and expands. When we are in grief /emotional pain, we often will experience this, and/but/also, as you grow spiritually you are opening yourself to unconditional love.

Again, be sure there is no underlying issue before you chalk this up to the ascension process as this can also mimic a medical issue. Always get your ticker checked!

*I experience a lot of Heart Chakra activations when I am working with, and on, others. As someone who was born with a hole in her heart, I visit the Cardiologist twice a year. I spoke with him about the ascension process and he was actually receptive and enlightened by the information. He shared with me that a lot of patients have been coming to him that were having major cardiac issues or thought they were having heart attacks, yet they could not find anything physically wrong!

More Symptoms

-Psychic abilities become enhanced

-Ears pop and ring. Sometimes right, sometimes left, sometimes both

-Whooshing sounds in ears, high pitched noises experienced

-Visual disturbances. Seeing flashes of lights, sometimes sparkles (colors vary)

-Changes in vision. Blurry eyes, pain in eye(s) that come and go, dry eyes

-Itchy skin (intense itching) that lasts for sometime and then subsides

-Hot flashes

-Cold flashes- skin cool to the touch

-Chills and prickly sensations across parts of the body without cause

When these occur at the top of your head/scalp, this is your crown chakra opening up, getting ready to receive wisdom and guidance from your higher self. This could also indicate spirit trying to connect with you and bring forth a message. Pay attention!

-Random and isolated goosebumps.

-Pins and needles through different parts of the body that come and go. Feeling like you are conducting energy is the best way to describe this

-Stomach disturbances such as: nausea/ bloating/acid reflux

-Changes in weight. Either weight gain or weight loss that seems rapid and unjustified.

*Sometimes we will get what is called “Buddha Belly”. This happens when someone is in a negative environment, as this is said to offer spiritual protection. The rest of the body is relatively proportioned other than this.

-Changes in eating habits. Either you are starving and eating all the time, or you just are not hungry and food is not that important.

-Foods that were off limits are now appealing

-Foods that were staples for you are now off limits and unappealing

*As your vibration rises your body will no longer be able to tolerate certain foods/beverages. It’s ok, just go with it. Consequently, you may find yourself craving meat after being vegetarian for years. You may crave fruit after years of not caring for or wanting anything sweet. Again, listen to your body.

-You desire and require more alone time

-Spiraling into depressive thoughts, feeling overwhelmed *Please go speak to someone

-Friendships change- some friends fall away while new ones emerge. Allow the universe to work its magic here and trust that what is meant to be, will be.

-You desire true, deep and authentic connections with like minded individuals- superficial small-talk no longer appeals to you at all and becomes unbearable

-You experience an abundance of synchronicities (fated events/encounters). Being at the right place at the right time, seeing or hearing from someone at the exact moment you think about them, etc.

-Seeing number sequences (111, 222, 777, 1010). These are your angels connecting with you, pay attention! This is a great website to look up the number sequences and just be amazed at how the messages resonate with where you are on your individual journey.…/index…

-You experience crying spells and extreme sensitivity

If you are like this normally, than even more so. Tears are a way of release so allow them to flow!

-Feeling much more intuitive. ‘Knowing’ things without really knowing

As you begin to wake-up, you will learn to trust your higher self more and more

-Feeling much more connected to nature

-Feeling ‘hungover’ but you have not drank any alcohol

-You may feel ‘out of it’ or have ‘brain fog’.

This is almost like feeling you are in a twilight sometimes

Ok so there’s just a small list of symptoms. But feel free to write me and add some that you may have experienced or are experiencing now!

Remember- this is a beautiful experience! It is to be honored and cherished for what it is. You are learning to live out of the soul instead of the ego where we have been conditioned. The ego will fight to win all of the time, but it’s time to trust your soul towards true enlightenment. This often requires us to completely shift our state of consciousness and this is not easy!

Simple yet effective ways to help you to navigate through this process are:

-Drink clean, purified water! Lots of water. Keep things moving physically and emotionally . Energy gets trapped within the body and needs to be moved. This is where Reiki becomes so helpful.

-Take salt baths or any type of soothing bath

-Be kind to yourself and take breaks when you need to. You need a nap? Take one. Need to cry? Do it.

-Find a spiritual counselor, talk things through. (Hi 🙂 )

-Accept that this is a real process and honor it

-Get outside and connect with the earth. This is huge for clearing your energy. Walking barefoot in the grass is a great way to reconnect when you are feeling energetically ‘off’.

-Watch your vices! Take it easy on your body. We are all more sensitive than normal, so please go easy on the drinking, smoking, etc.

-Listen to your body! It will let you know when you need to slow down, when you need to rest, when you need to move.

-Surround yourself with people who lift you up.

-Drop the need to explain yourself! This one is particularly difficult for high-level empaths. We want to save everyone but you must take care of yourself first, and that often means saying ‘no’ when you need to nurture yourself.

-Recognize that you are changing, situations are changing. We are here to learn and grow, to have experiences and pain is often part of the deal.

If at any point you are overwhelmed with symptoms, ask spirit to kindly slow the process down. I do this, and it works.

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Much Love,

Copyright © 2021 Lisa Salvatore 


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