All That Glitters – April 20, 2022

All that glitters is not golden…

Too often through our journey we become drawn too..what appears to be shiney on the outside..not being aware, listening too and feeling through the true resonation and alignment of what exists and what is being presented.. Human kind has been conditioned to grab ahold of those things external to our being rather than be led by that voice from within. Each carrying its own vibration and frequency. One is sustainable with purpose …the other an enticement driven by ego and fear. To be open to all possibilities allows the Universe to work in concert through all of our intentions expressed while filtering through a lense of discernment

Being mindful and aware of our considerations,. decisions, and what we choose to align with during this time is to be observed through the minds eye of our own intention and purpose. Observe the layering, observe the interconnections, take time to sit with the offering…when we do so we see and feel what is needed to be seen..if we stay within the presence of our own heart. How we express our energy and allow for our energy to be expressed is key.

This beguiling dance is in full effect, the game is everpresent..this is the time we are in..observe many and all.. shine from within… it is much brighter there…

Love, Riue


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