This I Know – January 22, 2024

One of the most challenging things for me as a seer, empath, intuitive and healer while still being human is to observe the human experience playing out and still remain with a compassionate and loving heart. Folks often mistake because something is not being said there is no awareness, realization or something is not being seen. At the core much of the way we govern ourselves is emanating from a place of fear..the ego in this has been the context of the world in which we live in. We all have learned less desirable habits in many lifetimes as we continue to evolve. In other lifetimes I did not always choose the path of love but that of ego and operated from allowing my gifts to be used in a different way. This can be challenging when the direct source of who we are gets infringed upon…our heart that is..

It can be so easy to be swept away in regards to the in authenticity of who we truly are as a species,; the deceit; the subtle manipulation, control and positioning. the untruths and the lack of respect from those who surround you even when you are trying to do or asking to be the opposite in return for the purpose of a greater purpose as opposed to the other….but we are all here to do better this is the cadence of our journey; no matter as a politician, a teacher, a healer, family or friend, we are here to do better, be who we are truly meant to be…we must.

These awarenesses are very present as the energy coming onto the planet increases.. I have noticed a swelling of these themes mentioned no matter in which sector I am operating in whether it be education, community service and social justice, healing community or with family and friends; the human experience is very real and each one of us has a choice as to how we are going to out-picture within that experience knowing that all of our actions are cumulative. As the world continues to shift and the veil of deceit lifts to the surface the intensity of what i am speaking will prevail as we are all acting out our souls journey. We get to chose the version we wish to prevail. Themes will intensify as we flush out the old energies..transforming and transmuting and allow for the new energies to prevail for the next several years.

The world will look very different than it looks today as the “Good Things” I spoke about in an earlier channel are prevailing at a significant rate and when you are in the flow of this energy it is magic as other like minded Souls and beings enter into your field and push the good forward deflecting the denser energies. Soul clusters are finding one another. It is a time of great change and magnificence. I also feel that and see it. This is what we have in this time and the beautiful thing is that we all get to choose in any given moment what energy we will lend to the world to make it better. It was never about you and I.. thats the has always been and always will be about all of us….we need to get that..

That is my purpose in being here at this time as it is with all of show that and demonstrate that even when we are hurt through the human experience. The Universe gave me these choices in experiences a long time ago. I decided to chose love. We all need to do this we all can be free….and so our species can truly thrive ….the time has come… its a new day…

Love Riue



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